
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

“Grandma’s Charm” Eye Spy Quilt

Well, it’s taken me a bit longer than expected to get these pictures posted! It might have something to do with my new Droid X….Here’s the quilt that my sister and I made for my Grandma’s 90th birthday with 90 different fabrics.


We thought it would be a good idea to make it fun to look at by using bright colors and whimsical “eye-spy” fabric for her.  She is in a nursing home.  


It was great working with all the fabrics, half from my sister, and half from my stash.  Lots of different memories from quilts past.


It’s finished off with a poem that I actually wrote for her 80th birthday charm mini quilt. I think the squares were 1 inch finished.


My Mom asked us to make the quilt for my Grandma’s birthday along with the matching reversible kleenex box cover.  It was great to be able to be there for for my Grandma’s 90th birthday.  My Mom made it a very special day (and week) for her!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Surprises Can Be Fun!


Well, we didn’t really get to see the sunset because of all the clouds, but it still was beautiful!

Just Miss K and I went to enjoy the sunset and read her book together, but she and Dad were being a bit sneaky and she brought along the GPS and the geocoin and travel bug from Canada.  So we got to do a little geocaching and find new homes for the trackables.

And what a lovely spot we found for them!IMG_9588

I didn’t really appreciate the cliff we had to walk along to find them!  But we survived.  I had to be the brave one and walk closest to the drop-off for Miss K.  The things we do for our kids!!!


This was the container for the geocoin.  Perfect fit.  And the second one worked out great for the larger travel bug with attached shell from the east coast!

I’ve got the quilt layered for my Grandma.  The simple pattern of rectangles went together quickly.  Better get back to it.  Gotta have it all done by Wednesday.  Be back with pictures hopefully soon!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Fun!


I couldn’t resist posting another picture from our trip. This one was from my phone.  I just can’t get over how beautiful it was…this is our view from our hotel window at Lake Louise!  I could go back there and spend the whole week! I just love the color of that water!

My grandma is turning 90 next week, so I’m working on a couple gifts my Mom asked me to help with.  Here is the reversible Kleenex box holder:

IMG_9583 IMG_9582

I used Ayumills tutorial.  Hers was for a large size box, so I modified it for a smaller shape.

We are also making a 90 patch charm square lap quilt for her.  My sister is cutting out half the squares from her stash and sending them to me.  So as soon as I get them I’ll start putting it together and I’ll be sure to post a picture.

Today was Miss K’s first swim meet for her summer pre-competitive swim team.  I was very proud of her and her efforts!

blocks butterfly

Now we’re off to watch the sun set on the water at the beach!  Happy summer!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy 20th To Us!

I’ve been back from my vacation for almost a week now, and I’m just getting around to posting about it.  For some reason it’s an overwhelming task.  We had such a great time in Canada…flew into Calgary and spent the following 4 nights: at Lake Louise, Banff, Kamloops and Vancouver. 

My husband was the amazing organizer of our vacation.  The five of us went to the airport Monday morning, flew out within 30 minutes of each other…the boys going to Salt Lake City, and the rest of us on a flight to Canada going through Phoenix.  We dropped Miss K off with some good friends who met us at the Phoenix airport and we were off to Canada alone to celebrate our 20th anniversary!

At the end of our trip we took separate flights out of Vancouver within 30 minutes of each other to retrieve our kids.  The next day Miss K and I arrived first to the San Diego airport and the boys arrived 15 minutes later.  We were reunited and drove home together!

Not only did he schedule all the flights, but also all our hotels and activities for the week.  We had a busy, fun filled week admiring the beautiful scenery all around us in Canada.  Hiking and geocaching were our main activities. 

Here are some pictures from our trip.  We had many animal sightings.  We enjoyed all the beautiful scenery!  And geocaching made our long drives fun and exciting!


If you ever get a chance to go to the Canadian Rockies, do it!  It’s so beautiful!